www- This is a very impressive first assessment in A Level Media - well done! You show real insight and offer depth in much of your analysis , applying theory in places. Q2 is particularly good.
ebi- Q1 you needed an extra paragraph exploring additional genre theories + elaborate on text.
- The genre Q needed more theory
- In Q3 I think you could have got into some more in-depth discussion on oppositional readings in terms of stereotyping. See mark scheme for more details.
2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.
Q1- Enigma and action codes
Q2- stereotypical masculinity
Q3- Genre important for audiences: expectations of narrative, character, plot, style and content;
selection and rejection of texts – audience pleasures/gratifications; allows comparison and
discussion of media products; recognise developments and evolution in genres.
Neale “repetition and difference” – allows producers to evolve genre but maintain audience;
Abercrombie “television producers set out to exploit genre conventions... economic sense”
... “Genres permit the creation and maintenance of a loyal audience.”
Q4- Preferred or dominant readings: Vibe as opinion leader (two-step flow theory), defining
‘cool’ on behalf of audience; authority and confidence (‘We dare you to disagree’);
celebrating hip-hop and urban culture; central image strongly endorsed – stylish, iconic etc.;
strong connection with audience – name checks use first names/trust audience knowledge;
multicultural; adopts informal language to connect with audience (‘Haters’); offers more
than just music (‘Athletes’/’Politicians’)
3) Read this exemplar response from a previous Year 12 (a strong B grade). Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.
4) Did you get any media terminology or theory wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision, including theories/terminology that you could have used but didn't.
Cover lines, polysemic
5) Identify your strongest question. Why did you do better on this question?
I think my strongest question was Q2 as I could go in depth into analysis easier.
6) Identify your weakest question. Why did you score lower on this particular task?
I think Q1 was my weakest because I could've easily gotten more marks if I gave it more thought.
7) Re-write your weakest answer in full (or, if it was the essay question, write out a full essay plan). Use the mark scheme to identify anticipated content you can add to your response and make sure your typed re-draft is a top-level answer.
Using Todorov's theory of equilibrium, figure one can be analysed thusly. The potential equilibrium for this poster could be a peaceful but hard life on an estate, disrupted by (disequilibrium) gang culture hinted at through the iconography of the gun. The new equilibrium is what the viewers of the poster must go to see the movie for.
However, Barthes' enigma and action codes apply to the gun, promising viewers violence and plot development based around it and mystery over what that gun may be used for and what conflict it will cause. There is also enigma over what the man is looking at.
8) Email your re-written answer (7) to the next person below you on the blog list. Ask them to provide a WWW/EBI response before next Friday and then include this underneath your answer on your blog.
WWW: Accurate analysis on
Todorov’s theory of equilibrium
EBI: Need to write more
regarding the different narrative theories: More thorough analysis
including different aspects of the poster
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